Who are the sons of God in Genesis 6? William Cook navigates one of the most difficult passages in scripture, “The crucial question concerns whether the phrase refers to human beings or to spiritual beings (demons).”
iPhones, idolatry, and evil spirits: Casey McCall sees echoes of the golden calf in our cell phones today, “It’s just metal and wires and plastic, the fruit of human ingenuity. The products of Silicon Valley seem to be at the opposite end of the supernatural spectrum compared to golden calves and pagan temples created specifically for worship. And yet, nearly half of American teenagers say they’re online “almost constantly.”
This Week's Recommendations
The blame game: Casey McCall asks, “What is it about our race that leads us to reflexively—subconsciously even—defer responsibility and search for excuses in the face of blame? I notice it in myself, in my children, and in people I counsel.”
When is a couple considered married? Robby Lashua responds to common questions, “When is a couple considered married? After the ceremony? When they sign the license? After sex? What verses support this?”
This Week's Recommendations
The internal contradiction in transgender theories: Trevin Wax explains, “It doesn’t take long to recognize the internal inconsistency between these two narratives. The first depends on maleness and femaleness being something real, for a binary must exist for it to be transgressed or transcended. The second questions reality altogether, falling for a radical skepticism that reimagines the world in terms of linguistic power plays.”
Tasting heaven now: Casey McCall asks, “But what if I told you the Bible presents the resurrection as something you begin experiencing now in this life?