This Week's Recommendations

  1. The internal contradiction in transgender theories: Trevin Wax explains, “It doesn’t take long to recognize the internal inconsistency between these two narratives. The first depends on maleness and femaleness being something real, for a binary must exist for it to be transgressed or transcended. The second questions reality altogether, falling for a radical skepticism that reimagines the world in terms of linguistic power plays.”

  2. Tasting heaven nowCasey McCall asks, “But what if I told you the Bible presents the resurrection as something you begin experiencing now in this life? What if all our talk about “going to heaven when we die” obscures the powerful truth that we get to begin tasting heaven right now? In fact, I believe Christ initiates our preparation for that glorious future the hour we first believe. The Christian life is training for our eternal destiny.”

  3. The single most encouraging thing for a pastorStephen Kneale says, “I think there is one thing that is hands down the most encouraging thing you can see when you’re a pastor. I wonder if you can guess what it might be?”

  4. Five discouraging trends in global Christianity#1 is that Islam is growing faster than Christianity. (Make sure you don’t miss out on the encouraging trend post, too).

  5. The top 100 most valuable brandsIt’s crazy how massive some of these companies are. Take a look at how relatively small McDonald’s is compared to Apple, for instance. 

Photo by Alexander Grey on Unsplash