How can I learn to enjoy rest?

This Week’s Recommendations

This Week’s Recommendations
  1. Can Our Loved Ones in Heaven See Us? Randy Alcorn concludes that, “So, I believe Scripture clearly suggests our loved ones now in Heaven are witnessing, in at least some capacity, God’s unfolding plan on earth. They live in a place where joy is the air they breathe, and nothing they see on earth can diminish their joy. Their happiness doesn’t depend on ignorance, but perspective, drawn from the Christ in whose presence they live.”

  2. Joy and Idol Smashing: Glenna Marshall reflects on 18 years of marriage. She says, “Nothing kills a marriage like idolatry,” I heard my husband say recently. Healthy, Christian marriages require a lot of idol-smashing. Being angry, being right, money, intimacy, parenting, miscommunication—there’s no end to the ways we can idolize ourselves and what we want from our spouses.”

  3. 4 Ways to Fight Sexual Temptation: J. Garrett Kell begins by telling us, “The Scriptures liken Satan to a closely crouching snake or lion who is provoking passions within us that war against our souls.2 We must choke temptation to death—it is the only way out.”

  4. Learning to Enjoy Rest: Laura d’Entremont shares a story every parent identifies with, of trying to comfort a child who needs rest but refuses to sleep. She speaks to her boy, “’Baby boy,’ I whispered. ‘You’re tired; you need sleep.’” She shares how similar we are.

  5. A Vision for Engaging Post-Christian Culture: Samuel James concludes, “When we look out and see our post-Christian society, we should not see an impenetrable wall of secularism. We should see what’s actually happening: worship, worship, worship. The soul-cries of those who live haunted by the specter of transcendent truth could scarcely be louder.”