Taylor Brenner

This Week's Recommendations

This Week's Recommendations

1.      The Fight Between a Volcano and Life: Footage of new growth struggling to survive in an otherworldly landscape at the foot of Hawaii’s Kilauea volcano.  Thanks to Tim Challies for pointing to this cool video.

2.      How to Raise Empathetic Kids. Rebecca Randall with a thoughtful reflection on the impact of parents on their kids: “The students’ values seemed to echo what they thought their parents and teachers valued more: When asked, 48 percent chose achievement as their top value, 30 percent chose happiness, and only 22 percent chose caring as a top priority.”

3.      The Hardest Walk: Taylor Brenner reflects on what makes foster care so difficult and so rewarding.

4.      You Don’t Have a Communication Problem: Tony Morgan reflects on the difficult truth that as leaders we probably don’t have a communication problem, we probably have a vision, complexity, or systems problem.

5.      Professor Joe v. the IRS and Turbo Tax: The UShas the most complicated tax system in the world? Why can’t we make it simpler? How one man took on the system and why he failed.