To (almost) die is gain: Heidi Kellogg with a moving reflection, “To die would have been gain for me, but to live is Christ, and that means serving my family just as Christ came not to be served but to serve (Mark 10:45). Unlike some people who feel like their life must have been saved in order for them to do something exceptional, I feel like my life was saved in order to keep serving my family and my church, and to keep becoming more like Jesus. Instead of feeling the pressure to accomplish something extraordinary, I feel the freedom to live a quiet life, minding my own business and working with my hands to make life richer for my loved ones (1 Thess. 4:11).”
Jesus did condemn homosexuality: Alan Schlemon explains, “Jesus doesn’t reserve his judgment for only those who engage in homosexual sex. He also condemns false teachers who mislead people into practicing homosexuality.”
We who wrestle with Peterson: Kevin Vanhoozer responds to Jordan Peterson’s latest book We Who Wrestle with God. He concludes that, “Peterson reads with a truncated hermeneutic that leads him to ask of every biblical story, “What is the moral?” It’s almost as if he views the Bible as a Holy Aesop, where the moral of the biblical stories has something to do with encouraging the heroic upward-striving spirit in all of us that is the image of God.”
Why I haven’t written a whole lot about my grandson: Tim Challies shares, “I think I figured out why: I almost don’t know how to think or how to feel about him. I almost don’t know how to understand or interpret my love for him in its extent, its degree, its intensity. I am completely enamored with him. Enraptured. Besotted. Very nearly undone.”
This fish can walk on water: The mudskipper: more proof of the creativity of our God.
Photo by William Warby on Unsplash