How should a church reopen well from the pandemic?

How to Return to Church

How to Return to Church

This upcoming Sunday is our homecoming at New Life. We can’t wait to see you face to face!

COVID-19 has brought so many things into perspective. It has reminded us that the church is the people of God, not the place, nor even the gathering of his people (as good as the place may be and as important as gathering might be). It has reminded us that the church’s mission doesn’t ever hit pause. It has reminded us that God’s Word changes lives even when we’re apart. It has reminded us that worship is a day-in-day-out calling, not just a Sunday morning activity. It has reminded us what a powerful tool technology can be when harnessed for good. It has reminded us what a joy it is to be together. It has reminded us what a gift it is to hear one another’s voices as we sing.

As we have the blessing of being together in person again, let’s do so lovingly and prayerfully.

Here are 6 encouragements for us as we enjoy our homecoming this Sunday. As we return together, let’s:

1. Focus on God

Sunday is going to be strange. We will have the opportunity to reconnect with friends we haven’t seen in months. And God will delight in us being able to see one another. There will be plenty of distractions: tickets and no procedures and separated chairs. But let’s not let those things divert our attention from God. Our first call is to glorify and enjoy God. Let’s not let the distractions of a very different type of gathering divert our attention away from this high calling.