How to Return to Church

This upcoming Sunday is our homecoming at New Life. We can’t wait to see you face to face!

COVID-19 has brought so many things into perspective. It has reminded us that the church is the people of God, not the place, nor even the gathering of his people (as good as the place may be and as important as gathering might be). It has reminded us that the church’s mission doesn’t ever hit pause. It has reminded us that God’s Word changes lives even when we’re apart. It has reminded us that worship is a day-in-day-out calling, not just a Sunday morning activity. It has reminded us what a powerful tool technology can be when harnessed for good. It has reminded us what a joy it is to be together. It has reminded us what a gift it is to hear one another’s voices as we sing.

As we have the blessing of being together in person again, let’s do so lovingly and prayerfully.

Here are 6 encouragements for us as we enjoy our homecoming this Sunday. As we return together, let’s:

1.       Focus on God

Sunday is going to be strange. We will have the opportunity to reconnect with friends we haven’t seen in months. And God will delight in us being able to see one another. There will be plenty of distractions: tickets and no procedures and separated chairs. But let’s not let those things divert our attention from God. Our first call is to glorify and enjoy God. Let’s not let the distractions of a very different type of gathering divert our attention away from this high calling. 

2.       Care for others

There are many different perspectives on COVID-19 and how to be a good citizen in light of the virus. We urge you to care for those who are most concerned by maintaining physical distancing and by wearing face masks. Is that how we wish we could return face-to-face? Certainly not. We can’t wait until we are able to return to a new normal and not have as many barriers. But until we do, please put aside inconveniences and preferences out of care for one another.

3.       Offer to help

We know that there will be those who aren’t able to serve on our First Impressions and Tech Teams because of their vulnerability during this season. We also started a brand new Cleaning Team, which will be creating as safe a physical environment as is possible. This is the perfect time to start serving on a team if you’ve never served before. It’s also an ideal time to lend a hand if you are serving on a team but have availability on Sunday mornings. Even if it is just for a short season, it would be a huge help. Reach out to the office, if you have a heart to serve others in this season.

4.       Encourage our leaders

The meme below was shared widely on social media last week and it’s true. It’s been a challenging season for everyone, including leaders. Those who have offered encouragement have been a source of much-needed support. Let the elders, Greg, Zach, Kim, Ryan, Tex, and the whole team know how much you appreciate how flexible, innovative, and God-focused they’ve been during these months (and if you’re a member of another church, reach out and encourage your leaders!).

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5.       Recognize those who are left behind

Far from everyone will be there this weekend. Children and students are going to be welcomed into the regular worship services (as they always are), but, for safety reasons, they won’t have their own in-person ministries. Those who are vulnerable won’t be back with us. If you’re one of those who won’t be able to attend, know that we love you and miss you. If you are able to attend, make sure you reach out to a friend who might not be able to be there in person and let them know that you love them and miss them.

6.       Do so without pressure

Not a single person should feel that “real Christians” are going back to church, or that we as church leaders will be disappointed if many choose to worship from home. Please don’t feel an ounce of guilt or pressure. We love you. We understand many of you might need to continue worshiping from home for a variety of reasons. We want to continue to make that experience as worshipful as possible. Join in, share the services with your friends, engage as you’re able. Know that we understand.


Know how grateful I am to be able to serve you at New Life. You are a gracious, generous, God-enjoying people and it is a gift to walk even through this difficult season with you.

And, if you happened to forget the details, remember that we will have services for this upcoming season at 8:15, 10, and 11:45 am and you’ll need to get tickets through the church website ( beforehand to reserve your spot.

I love you, dear New Life family,

Pastor John