The Bee Hive

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This Week's Recommendations

  1. Geopsychology: your personality depends on where you live: Take a look at where you live and have lived on this and see if it lines up. Agreeableness and conscientiousness stood out to me.

  2. The professionals most likely to be paired up in marriage: Andrew Van Dam stuffs a lot more than you might think in this report. He begins, “The top spot goes to medical doctors, according to our analysis of responses to the Census Bureau’s American Community Survey over the past decade. Not-that-kind-of-doctors, also known as college professors, come in second.”

  3. When you hate your body (pt. 1): Bekka French begins, “For many women in America, to have worth is to be beautiful, which is to say, skinny. Beauty is just a front for what we are all really after: acceptance. And so when you inevitably fail to meet the standard, you must comfort yourself.”

  4. When you hate your body (pt. 2): Bekka French shares, “When you hate your body, food can be complex. When I am stressed, I eat. I eat and eat and eat. I eat to soothe the dull and constant thud of self-hatred. I eat to deal with circumstances I cannot control. I eat to forget that I am in pain. When I eat, I can sometimes achieve a semi-blissful numbness of soul, having stuffed myself too full to feel. Sadly, our culture confirms and encourages this self-numbing by another, more socially acceptable name: comfort eating.”

  5. How cruise ships got so big: Interesting how size saved the industry.

  6. Not that way! Oops!

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