Praying for Women with Unwanted Pregnancies

Several weeks ago I offered a prayer in the wake of the leaked decision that will likely overturn Roe v. Wade and send the determination of the limitations of abortion back to each state. At that time, I offered a prayer for the unborn.

As I continue to process this monumental decision and its implications, I continue to pray for the most vulnerable and voiceless in society: the unborn. I pray for God to protect those who have been unprotected for decades in America. I pray for peace and for gentleness in loving those who approach this issue with different perspectives. I pray that those who desire to protect life at all stages would have compassion and mercy for those who see abortion as a women’s rights issue. I pray that the Christian community’s support in foster and adoptive care would swell. I pray that this demonstration of love would be compelling and serve as a witness of the hope of Christ. I pray for a culture that supports life and families at all stages of life. I pray for politicians to be courageous and led by their consciences as they lead in matters of life.

I also pray for the many women who are fearful as they navigate unexpected and perhaps unwanted pregnancies. I pray for men who selfishly coerce their girlfriends and wives to have abortions. I pray for abusive men to repent and seek help. I pray for protection women who are in abusive relationships. Below is a slightly amended prayer for women who are struggling right now with these types of pregnancies.[i] Would you continue to join me in prayer?

Heavenly Father, we lift up the many mothers who are afraid and feel trapped by their pregnancy. For those who are in abusive relationships or who are afraid of the ramifications of taking on the responsibility of having a child, we pray that your peace would meet them. For those who carry shame, we pray that you would meet them in mercy and remove their shame.

For those who are considering an abortion, we pray that in your grace you would direct them to make a merciful and courageous decision. We pray that loved ones would step forward and offer support. We pray that the church would be a refuge to those in need.

Lord, you know the individual circumstances of each and every woman, and the many arguments they may be using in their decision, of whether of not to abort the child in their womb.

We pray that you would send godly counselors, wise advisors, and caring friends to come alongside them and offer them guidance, hope and comfort, tangible help, and we ask that in your grace you would give them reassurance in their hearts, that abortion is not the answer to their problem, and recognize that you are the Author of life and hope.

We pray that you would convict many to courageously choose not to abort their baby, and trust you to lead and guide in the future choices they make.

We pray for the hearts of those who are fearful right now. Would their hearts be softened to you and would you open their ears to hear from you? Would you hear their cries and answer them? Would this be a moment of new life? This we ask in Jesus' name,


[i] Source:

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