How do I get others to be a team player

The Ideal Team Player by Patrick Lencioni

The Ideal Team Player by Patrick Lencioni

You either love or hate Lencioni. I love him. But if you haven't read him, you need to. In his typical style, Lencioni tells a leadership fable over the first 2/3rds of this thin book and then lays out those principles in a more typical style over the last third of the book. I really appreciate his style. I put down my pen and just absorb the fable. For me, I find that I retain his concepts for much longer because of his style. He also never tries to do too much. In fact, he admits himself that this book is basic and almost painfully intuitive. Lencioni is not going to grip you with powerful sociological and psychological research. But he is always memorable and accessible.

And his insights in this book, even if not groundbreaking, are critically important.